5 Reasons Why Pilates is Perfect For Teens

Teenage years are at the perfect age to learn correct posture and to cultivate proper movement habits that will stay with them for life. As teens go through growth spurts, take on new sports and physical activities; and experience puberty changes, Pilates classes help the teens to control their body in space, correct their posture, prevent scoliosis, increase their confidence and fitness.

The stress that comes with achieving ideal school performance coupled with confusion of their body changes during puberty can be relieved with regular Pilates classes. Just like how our adult clients told us that they attend Pilates classes regularly to get the feel-good factor, we hope that my classes can also help teens cope with their stressful lives.

Improve posture, prevent scoliosis or other spinal / joint issue

As teen copes with growth spurts, some of them may be at the risk of developing scoliosis, kyphosis (hunch-back) or rounded shoulders. Some girls round their shoulders to hide their growing breasts or taller teens may round their shoulders and hunch their backs to appear shorter to avoid getting too much attention on themselves. These self-imposed wrong postures may lead to muscle tightness, affect the growing bones and muscles or result in body aches.

Pilates teaches the teen the correct posture when performing function movements. As the teen practice the Pilates movements, it also helps to drive through muscle memory of the correct posture – this will enable the teen to keep the right posture in their daily lives.

Elevate fitness & reduce weight to improve confidence.

The uniqueness of Pilatesbyme classes is that I combine the Pilates principles with the high intensity movements. It’s not easy to do difficult exercises while maintaining correct posture. As a result, my clients see fast positive results. The teens can benefit from the unique routine too.

Improve level of focus

Pilates is a mind-body exercise. Your mind needs to be in tuned with your body in order to perform the Pilates exercises well. If you are not focused, you risk falling off the reformer carriage. It is crucial to cultivate ability to stay focus in growing teens. Pilates teaches the teen to appreciate the fact that focus and concentration will bring result.

Enhance their sports performance

Sports is an important part of a teen’s school life. If you are good at sports, you are the hero. If your sports skill is lackluster, life is not good. If you are terrible at sports, life is bad! Physical Education is an examinable subject in Switzerland. No one likes to be the nerd or to fail any subject. Pilates can increase teens’ strength, flexibility, coordination and fitness level; all of which are crucial when it comes to playing sports.

Bonding session

Pilates group class is a healthy way to improve bonding between parents and child. In fact, an aspiration of mine is to teach a whole family! doing classes together. It’s an enjoyable way to let your teen learn more about you. As a mom, it warms my heart when I workout with them…. it’s a time where we have a goal together and is a great time out just for us.

Attending Pilates group class together give both parties new topics to discuss and interact, bringing both closer to each other.

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